La Dama, created by the Galindo family of Ninfa Raicilla, focuses all it’s energy on creating a sustainable future for the maguey.
The Los Altos or highland region in Jalisco was ruled by the Chichimecas thousands of years ago, they were a people with a great connection and understanding of mother nature and her cycles. The most important element to them was femininity, as it was the female form that could give life. As the Tequila industry is male-dominated the Galindo family wanted to honor and thank women by integrating them in the name of their Tequila: La Dama.
Not only do they accept their social responsibility by paying all their workers fair wages and salaries, but they also care about environmental teachings by promoting education programs and campaigns. Alongside this they also organise projects with scientific institutions in Jalisco for waste management.
La Dama also recycle their bagasse to make paper for their gorgeous bottle labels and are funding bioplastic research!
When researching this Tequila, that has so many wonderful ideals and principles, I was struck by one thing in particular: Their agave fields don’t use clones or hijuelos. This is such a rarity for Tequila producers, as it is the quickest way to grow agaves, however this leads to fields susceptable to disease, and the destruction of wildlife, because insects and bats will not have access to food – pollen.
We all can help the world in becoming a healthier place, by supporting these marvellous people who dedicate their lives to contributing and helping rebuild mother nature.